[Afpif] Fwd: AfPIF2015 Meeting Tool Stats

Michuki Mwangi mwangi at isoc.org
Mon Aug 31 13:09:49 UTC 2015

Hello Everyone,

This being the second year we have used the meeting tool service, we were unable to provide the meeting tool stats prior to close of the event due to technical issues beyond our control. Now that we have received them, we thought it is worth sharing with you.

In Summary;

- 60% of registered users activated their meeting tool account compared to 56% in 2014
- 51% of active users had at least one meeting compared to 41% in 2014
- 102 meetings were scheduled compared to 58 in 2014
- 64 meetings were confirmed compared to 35 in 2014
- 15 meetings were scheduled to an alternate location from the rooms provided compared to 1 in 2014.

From an event organization point of view, this information is not only very gratifying but also encouraging and promising as we start planning for AfPIF-2016.

Once again a big thank you to the entire community and sponsors for making the AfPIF-2015 the best we have so far.



> Users
> Total number of users	226
> Participants in status 'Active'	135	59.73%
> Participants in status 'Pending'	77	34.07%
> Participants in status 'Cancel'	14	6.19%
> At least one meeting	69	51.11% (of active Users)
> 30.53% (of all participations)
> Meetings
> Total number of meetings	102
> Meetings in status 'Pending'	38	37.25%
> Meetings in status 'Confirmed'	64	62.75%
> Meetings and locations
> Meetings at location type 'Unassigned'	29	28.43%
> Meetings at location type 'Table'	58	56.86%
> Meetings at location type 'Alternate'	15	14.71%
> Slot capacity
> 2015-08-26
> 15:30 – 15:55	16 Meetings	4 Pending	12 Confirmed	0 Cancel	3 on alternate Location
> 16:00 – 16:25	17 Meetings	6 Pending	11 Confirmed	0 Cancel	3 on alternate Location
> 16:30 – 16:55	17 Meetings	8 Pending	9 Confirmed	0 Cancel	3 on alternate Location
> 17:00 – 17:25	13 Meetings	4 Pending	9 Confirmed	0 Cancel	1 on alternate Location
> 2015-08-27
> 08:00 – 08:25	10 Meetings	5 Pending	5 Confirmed	0 Cancel	0 on alternate Location
> 08:30 – 08:55	12 Meetings	5 Pending	7 Confirmed	0 Cancel	2 on alternate Location
> 09:00 – 09:25	17 Meetings	6 Pending	11 Confirmed	0 Cancel	3 on alternate Location


+ Users
Total number of registered users:    270
Number of active users:              151    (55.9%)
Number of pending users:             119    (44.1%)
Number of passive users:               0     (0.0%)
Number of active users
with at least one meeting:            63    (23.3%)

+ Meetings

Total number of scheduled meetings:     58
Number of confirmed meetings:           35
Number of pending meetings:             23
Number of meetings with alt. location: 	 1

+ Slot capacity overview

16:00 - 16:25      16 meetings: 8 confirmed, 8 pending, 0 alternate, (2/10)
16:30 - 16:55       5 meetings: 11 confirmed, 4 pending, 1 alternate, (0/10)
17:00 - 17:30      13 meetings: 7 confirmed, 6 pending, 0 alternate, (3/10)

08:30 - 08:55       7 meetings: 4 confirmed, 3 pending, 0 alternate, (6/10)
09:00 - 09:30       7 meetings: 5 confirmed, 2 pending, 0 alternate, (5/10)

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